Tuesday, 27 December 2011

As the year grows old...

It is again that time of the year when the nights are long and days short, when sweaters are in fashion and when all we can do is eat and sleep. Another year is coming to an end and we now face a much discussed and anticipated 2012!
Celebration is in the air. After a merry merry Christmas the world now is looking towards welcoming the new year in their own different ways.
Some are heading home for family reunions.
Some have been invited to the parties that happen all over the place and some are inviting people to their own parties.
The freebies plan to hit some club and dance themselves into the wee hours of January the first.
And there are also those who plan for a quiet evening with a select few.
Meanwhile, 2011 looks back at its younger self realizing that it now has to come an end.
It looks back at how it had been the star of the moment this very minute last year.
It looks back at the chilly first month when people kept writing '10 at the end of the date by mistake.
It looks back at the 28 breezy days.
It looks back at the 3 months when the sun had been merciless and how the temperatures had broken a few more records.
The showers of June, July and August that made everything look freshly bathed.
September had been pleasant and the October heat a little hotter than usual.
November had grown steadily cold and finally the winter of its life, December when it would soon become past.

The year looks back at those 365 days which had brought a new touch to all our lives. It will soon only be written by mistake in the dates and 2012 will begin its journey.

So this post is to every year that passes by without a word but considerably changing all of us. It could be a small change or a big one but at the end of every year I do look back at how I had been in the beginning and realize I have grown a little.
And almost always I realize that I never kept my New year resolution. So once again lets start making resolutions only to break them later on.
Hope you have a very happy new year!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Getting Started...

After having considered blogging for a while now, I've finally made it here.
It all looks very new and fresh and I can feel the excitement building in me!
Well now that I am here I really don't know how to start and what to write. Might as well start by telling you something about myself.
An almost 19, 2nd year design student living in a hostel in Pune, I am to be frank not much of a writer.
I may look shy or reserved at a glance which may be because of my tiny-ness but BEWARE, if I take a liking to you I will eat your ear off!
Chatter, Chatter, Chatter! It comes naturally to me.
When I am not talking to my hearts content, I read or maybe write.
An avid reader who is married to her books, I can read any book that has a good story and good language.
I almost always have an unfinished book in my bag and I think the picture in the background explains enough.
As far as writing is concerned, well I am a moody person.I need the right mood to write something.
Having said that, you can rest assured that you  may not have to read my incessant talk on a regular basis.

And this seems like enough babble for you to go through at the first go.
And oh, before I finish, you may wonder why my blog is named as 'Untitled-1'.
This hit me when my brain had gone for one of it's odd time wanderings. My writings here can be very random and so they can't be genre-ised for me to give the blog a common title.
I think it's best if the title gives away nothing at all.
Till next time then!